In Unity we might store a reference to a prefab, and instantiate an instance like this -

public class CharacterSpawner : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private Character _characterPrefab;

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) 
            Character instance = Instatiate(_characterPrefab);

            Debug.Log("Update() Spawned Character")

In Godot, it’s fairly similar.

public class CharacterSpawner : Node
    [Export] private PackedScene _characterPrefab;

    public override void _Input(InputEvent evt)
        var justPressed = evt.IsPressed() && !evt.IsEcho();
        if (Input.IsKeyPressed(Key.Space) && justPressed)
            Character instance = _characterPrefab.Instantiate<Character>();
            GD.Print("_Input() Spawned Character");

Note that we’re using Godot’s Node._Input method instead of _Process because Godot doesn’t have such a thing as Input.IsKeyJustPressed, so here we’re checking ourselves. This limits it to spawning one Character per key press, instead of one Character every frame the key is held down.

Spawning to the root of the hierarchy

Also note that the above code will make the character a child of the node spawning it. AddChild is a method of Node, so you could easily add it to a different node. Or if you wanted to add it to the root of the hierachy, see Node.GetTree().Root - GetTree is also a method of Node, and it returns the SceneTree.