Unity To Godot Migration guide: use Export instead of SerializeField
Tags:A MonoBehaviour in Unity is basically a Node in Godot.
When writing a script that Node, you can use the [Export] attribute in Godot the way you would use [SerializeField] in Unity.
For example in Unity you might write stuff like this in your MonoBehaviour to expose fields in the unity inspector -
[SerializeField] private Timer _spawnTimer1;
private Timer SpawnTimer2;
In your godot script, you can do this -
[Export] public Timer SpawnTimer1_PublicProperty { get; set; }
[Export] public Timer SpawnTimer2_PublicField;
[Export] private Timer _spawnTimer3_PrivateProperty { get; set; }
[Export] private Timer _spawnTimer4_PrivateField;
this creates new fields in the inspector you can drop other nodes into, just like unity -